Our Customer

Wildlife Conservative Lao PDR
Insurnace Provided:
PA, Health & Term Life

Electricite Du Laos
Insurnace Provided:
Car, Money, PA and Health

First Choice Construction Company
Insurnace Provided:
Car, PA and Health

Mekong Consultants Co., Ltd.
Insurnace Provided:
Car, Marine Insurance, PA and Health

Savannakhet University
Insurnace Provided:
Group PA and Health

JDB Bank
Insurnace Provided:
Motorbike, PA, Health and Money Insurance

Heineken Lao Brewery Company
Insurnace Provided:
Motorbike, PA, Health and Money Insurance

National University of Laos
Insurnace Provided:
PA, Health & Term Life and Cars

Simuang Group Company
Insurnace Provided:
Hydropower, Fire, Cars and PA Insurances

TPLUS (Lao Telecom) Co., Ltd.
Insurnace Provided:
Group Health and PA

Plan International (NGO)
Insurnace Provided:
Group Health, PA and Term-Life

Caritus Luxembourge (NGO)
Insurnace Provided:
PA & Health Insurances

Food Panda Delivery
Insurnace Provided:
Group Health and PA

Schneider Electric Overseas Asisa PLE Ltd.
Insurnace Provided:
Cars and PA&Health Insurance (Negotiating)

Enterpirse & Development Consulting Co., Ltd.
Insurnace Provided:
PA and Motors (Price Negotiating)

Lao Airlines State Enterprise
Insurnace Provided:
Motors Insurance for luxury cars (Mercy Benz)

Green Park Hotel and Resort
Insurnace Provided:
Motor Insurance and Cargos Insurance

Dansavanh Resort and Casino
Insurnace Provided:
PA & Health, Cars and Marine Insurances

UniqTek Co., Ltd.
Insurnace Provided:
All Risks Insurance

Insurnace Provided:
Motor Insurances

Petroleum Trading Lao Public Company
Insurnace Provided:
Motors Insurance for luxury cars (Mercy Benz)

Insurnace Provided:
Motor Insurance and Cargos Insurance

Lao Consulting Group Ltd.
Insurnace Provided:
PA & Health, Cars and Marine Insurances

3S Development Group Ltd.
Insurnace Provided:
All Risks Insurance

Rattana Institute
Insurnace Provided:
Motor Insurances

Our Partner

ສີເມືອງ ເງິນດ່ວນ
ຖະໜົນກຳແພງເມືອງ(T4), ບ້ານໂພນທັນ, ເມືອງໄຊເສດຖາ, ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ(+856-21) 813 888, 411 888
Whatsapp: 020 5673 5555
- ຮ່ວມທຸລະກິດ
- ການສົ່ງຕໍ່ປະກັນໄພ

ບໍລິສັດ ປະກັນໄພ ເຈໂນໂລລີ ຈຳກັດ
Generali Insurance (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
87/2 CRC Tower All Season
16 Flr. Unit 1602 1602 & 1605 Thanon Witthayu
+66 2 612 9888
- ຮ່ວມທຸລະກິດ
- ການສົ່ງຕໍ່ປະກັນໄພ

ທະນາຄານ ຮ່ວມພັດທະນາ
82 Lanexang Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital
ໂທ (Tel) +856 21 213531
ແຟັກ (Fax) +856 21 213530
- ຕົວແທນຂາຍປະກັນໄພ ທົ່ວປະເທດ
ການສົ່ງຕໍ່ປະກັນໄພ Re-Insurance

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